张峰,男,汉族,博士,教授、博士研究生导师,甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室副主任,甘肃省作物遗传改良与种质创新重点实验室主任。1993年6月毕业于甘肃农业大学土壤农化系,获农学学士学位。2001年6月毕业于甘肃农业大学作物遗传育种专业,获农学硕士学位。2004年6月毕业于中国科学院研究生院,获理学博士学位。2012年12月-2013年12月在荷兰乌特勒支大学(utrecht university)科学院生物系访学。
联系电话: 0931-7762061
1. 甘肃省马铃薯新品种选育与示范推广,甘肃省科学技术进步二等奖,2018
2. 高抗逆马铃薯优良新品种选育及推广,甘肃省科技进步三等奖,2014
3. 马铃薯优质高效配套生产技术研究与示范,甘肃省科学技术进步一等奖,2011
4. 黄土高原半干旱地区水肥高效利用加工型马铃薯新品种选育,甘肃省农牧渔业丰收一等奖,2010
5. 抗旱耐低温糖化加工型马铃薯育种材料创新和品种选育,甘肃省科学技术进步二奖,2008
6. 极端环境下植物生理生态研究,甘肃省教育厅科学技术进步二等奖,2006
7. 马铃薯花粉原生质体培养的应用研究,甘肃省科学技术进步三奖,2005
1. 甘农薯10号,第一完成人,登记编号:gpd马铃薯(2022)620021
2. 甘农薯9号,第一完成人,登记编号:gpd马铃薯(2022)620020
3. 甘农薯8号,第一完成人,登记编号:gpd马铃薯(2020)620084、植物新品种权号:cna20201006666
4. 甘农薯7号,第一完成人,登记编号:gpd马铃薯(2020)620083、植物新品种权号:cna20201006665
5. 甘农薯6号,第一完成人,甘审薯2016004
6. 甘农薯4号,第二完成人,甘审薯2009001
1. jianlong yuan, lixiang cheng, huijun li, congcong an, yuping wang, feng zhang*. physiological and protein profiling analysis provides insight into the underlying molecular mechanism of potato tuber development regulated by jasmonic acid in vitro. bmc plant biology, 2022.22:481.
2. lulu xia, lixiang cheng, jianlong yuan, bin yu, lili liang, wangtian wang*, feng zhang*. potato tuber skin proteome is enriched with defensive components to prevent the further infection of common scab into tuber flesh. physiological and molecular plant pathology. 2022. 122:101898.
3. lixiang cheng, jianlong yuan, bin yu, xiaoqing wang, yuping wang, feng zhang*. leaf proteome reveals the alterations in photosynthesis and defense-related proteins between potato tetraploid cultivars and diploid wild species. journal of plant physiology, 2022.276:153779.
4. lixiang cheng, dongxia wang, yuping wang, hongwei xue, feng zhang*. an integrative overview of physiological and proteomic changes of cytokinin-induced potato (solanum tuberosum l.) tuber development in vitro. physiologia plantarum, 2020.168: 675-693.
5. lixiang cheng, shaomei zhang, lili yang, yuping wang, bin yu, feng zhang*. comparative proteomics illustrates the complexity of fe, mn and zn deficiency-responsive mechanisms of potato (solanum tuberosum l.) plants in vitro. planta.2019 250: 199-217.
6. dongxia wang, lixiang cheng, yuping wang, feng zhang*. comparative proteomic analysis of potato (solanum tuberosum l.) tuberization in vitro regulated by iaa. amerincan journal of potato research. 2018, 95:395-412.
7. lixiang cheng, yuping wang, yueshan liu, qingquan zhang, huihui gao, feng zhang*. comparative proteomics illustrates the molecular mechanism of potato (solanum tuberosum l.) tuberization inhibited by exogenous gibberellins in vitro. physiologia plantarum. 2018. 163: 103-123.
8. lixiang cheng, yuping wang, qiang he, huijun li, xiaojing zhang, feng zhang* comparative proteomics illustrates the complexity of drought resistance mechanisms in two wheat (triticum aestivum l.) cultivars under dehydration and rehydration. bmc plant biology. 2016. 16:188
9. lixiang cheng, xin zhang, qingxia zhao, huijun li, yuping wang, dongxia wang, di wang, feng zhang*. comparative proteomic analysis of cold-induced sweetening in potato (solanum tuberosum l.) tuber. acta physiologiae plantrum. 2014, 36: 1197-1210.
10. qingxia zhao, baoxie zhao, qingquan zhang, bin yu, lixiang cheng, rong jin, yuping wang, junlian zhang, di wang, feng zhang*. screening for chip-processing potato line from introgression of wild species’ germplasms with post-harvest storage and chip qualities amerincan journal of potato research. 2013, 90: 425-439.
11. lixiang cheng, hongyu yang, bibo lin, yuping wang, wenjian li, di wang, feng zhang*. effect of gamma-ray radiation on physiological, morphological characters and chromosome aberrations of minitubers in solanum tuberosum l. international journal of radiation biology. 2010, 89: 791-799.
12. feng zhang*, yuping wang, yangli yang, hao wu, di wang, jianquan liu. involvement of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in salt resistance in the calluses from populus euphratica. plant, cell and environment. 2007, 30: 775-785.
13.李文丽, 袁剑龙, 段惠敏, 蒋彤晖, 刘玲玲, 张峰*. 马铃薯块茎质地品质的综合评价.中国农业科学. 2022,55:2278-2293
14.刘娟, 梁延超, 余斌, 李成, 王玉萍, 程李香, 张峰*.马铃薯薯条色泽和质地特性及薯条加工型品系筛选.中国农业科学. 2017,50:4247-4265.
15.刘娟, 梁延超, 隋景航, 余斌, 王润润, 张小微, 程李香, 王玉萍, 张峰*. 马铃薯块茎蒸煮品质、质构特性及加工型品系筛选.中国农业科学. 2016,49:4074-4084.
16.刘悦善, 李成, 王东霞, 徐刚, 王玉萍, 程李香, 王蒂, 张峰*. 加工型马铃薯品种微型薯种薯贮藏期内源激素含量、阈值和休眠期相关性分析. 中国农业科学. 2015,48:262-269.
17.赵青霞, 林必博, 张鑫, 李辉军, 刘悦善, 徐刚, 程李香, 王玉萍, 王蒂, 张峰*. 马铃薯抗低温糖化渐渗系培育和炸片品系筛选. 中国农业科学. 2013,46:4210-4221.
18.张峰, 王蒂, 王玉萍. 马铃薯成熟花粉原生质体分离. 中国农业科学. 2004,37:1358-1362.
1. 2007年,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”
2. 2008年,获“甘肃省普通高等学校青年教师成才奖”
3. 2009年,获“甘肃省优秀青年”称号。
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