姓 名: 王林林
学 历: 博 士
职 称: 副教授
学科专业: 植物科学与技术
联系电话: 0931-7631145
2018.12-至今 甘肃农业大学 农学院 教师
2013.9-2018.7 西北农林科技大学/黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室 植物学 博士
2010.9-2013.7 西北农林科技大学/黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室 植物学 硕士
2006.9-2010.7 西北师范大学 生物科学 学士
2018.7-至今 甘肃农业大学 农学院
1. linlin wang, l., zechariah, e., fudjoe, s. k., li, l., xie, j., luo, z., chen, y. continuous maize cultivation with high nitrogen fertilizers associated with the formation of dried soil layers in the semiarid farmland on the loess plateau. journal of hydrology, 2022, 613, 128324.
2. linlin wang, l., li, j., xie, z., luo, sumera, a., zechariah, e., yinglong chen. does plastic mulching reduce water footprint in field crops in china? a meta-analysis. agricultural water management, 2022, 260, 107293.
3. linlin wang, junhong xie, zhuzhu luo*, yining niu*, jeffrey a. coulter, renzhi zhang, lingling li. forage yield, water use efficiency, and soil fertility response to alfalfa growing age in the semiarid loess plateau of china. agricultural water management, 2021, 243, 106415.
4. linlin wang, jeffrey a. coulter, lingling li*, zhuzhu luo, yinglong chen, xiping deng, junhong xie*. plastic mulching reduces nitrogen footprint of food crops in china: a meta-analysis. science of the total environment, 2020, 748, 141749.
5. linlin wang, lingling li, junhong xie, zhuzhu luo, renzhi zhang, liqun cai, jeffrey a. coulter, jairo a. palta. managing the trade-offs among yield, economic benefits and carbon and nitrogen footprints of wheat cropping in a semi-arid region of china. science of the total environment, 2021, 768,145280.
6. linlin wang, li, q., coulter, j. a., junhong xie*, lingling li*, xiping deng. winter wheat yield and water use efficiency response to organic fertilization in northern china: a meta-analysis. agricultural water management, 2020, 229, 105934.
7. linlin wang, palta, j.a., chen, w., yinglong chen*, xiping deng*. nitrogen fertilization improved water-use efficiency of winter wheat through increasing water use during vegetative rather than grain filling. agricultural water management, 2018, 197, 41-53.
8. linlin wang, luo, z., li, l., xie, j., fudjoe, s. k., & zechariah, e. land use affects soil water balance and soil desiccation within the soil profile: evidence from the western loess plateau case. land, 2022, 11(8), 1136.
9. linlin wang, luo, z., li, l., xie, j., fudjoe, s. k., & zechariah, e. exploring optimal cropping system to improve the water use efficiency and soil water restoration after lucerne-to-crop conversion in the semiarid environment. agronomy, 2022, 12(8), 1905.
10. linlin wang, coulter, j.a., palta, j.a., xie, j., luo, z., lingling li*, carberry, p., qiang li*, xiping deng. mulching-induced changes in tuber yield and nitrogen use efficiency in potato in china: a meta-analysis. agronomy, 2019, 9, 793.
11. linlin wang, wang, s., chen, w., li, h., xiping deng*. physiological mechanisms contributing to increased water-use efficiency in winter wheat under organic fertilization. plos one, 2017, 12, e0180205.
12. junhong xie, linlin wang, lingling li*, jeffrey a. coulter, qiang chai, renzhi zhang, zhuzhu luo, peter carberry, k.p.c. rao. subsoiling increases grain yield, water use efficiency, and economic return of maize under a fully mulched ridge-furrow system in a semiarid environment in china. soil & tillage research, 2020, 199, 104584.
13. zhengkai peng, linlin wang, junhong xie, lingling li*, jeffrey a. coulter, renzhi zhang, zhuzhu luo, liqun cai, peter carberry, anthony whitbread. conservation tillage increases yield and precipitation use efficiency of wheat on the semi-arid loess plateau of china. agricultural water management, 2020, 231, 106024.
14. xie, j., linlin wang, li, l., anwar, s., luo, z., fudjoe, s. k., & meng, h. optimal nitrogen rate increases water and nitrogen use efficiencies of maize under fully mulched ridge–furrow system on the loess plateau. agriculture, 2022, 12(11), 1799.
15. xie, j., linlin wang, li, l., anwar, s., luo, z., zechariah, e., & kwami fudjoe, s.. yield, economic benefit, soil water balance, and water use efficiency of intercropped maize/potato in responses to mulching practices on the semiarid loess plateau. agriculture, 2021, 11(11), 1100.
16. z., peng, linlin wang, j., xie, lingling li*, coulter, j.a., zhang, r., luo, z., kholova, j., choudhary, s,. conservation tillage increases water use efficiency of spring wheat by optimizing water transfer in a semi-arid environment. agronomy, 2019, 9, 583.
17. k., yue, l., li, j., xie, linlin wang, y., liu, anwar, s. tillage and nitrogen supply affects maize yield by regulating photosynthetic capacity, hormonal changes and grain filling in the loess plateau. soil and tillage research, 2022, 218, 105317.
18. aixia xu, lingling li*, jeffrey a. coulter, junhong xie, zhang, r., zhuzhu luo, liqun cai, chang liu, linlin wang. long-term nitrogen addition impact on agronomic traits, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen resorption efficiency of wheat in rain-fed region. soil science society of america journal, 2021, 85(2), 452-467.
19. effah, z., l., li, j., xie, karikari, b., j., wang, m., zeng, linlin wang, boamah, s., padma shanthi, j. post-anthesis relationships between nitrogen isotope discrimination and yield of spring wheat under different nitrogen levels. frontiers in plant science, 2022, 650.
20. chang liu, lingling li*, junhong xie, jeffrey a. coulter, renzhi zhang, zhuzhu luo, liqun cai, linlin wang, subramaniam gopalakrishnan. soil bacterial diversity and potential functions are regulated by long-term conservation tillage and straw mulching. microorganisms, 2020, 8, 836.
21. fudjoe, s.k., l., li, y., jiang, karikari, b., j., xie, linlin wang, anwar, s., wang, j. soil amendments alter ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria communities in rain-fed maize field in semi-arid loess plateau. land, 2021, 10, 1039.
22. j., wang, j., xie, l., li, z., luo, r., zhang, linlin wang, y., jiang. the impact of fertilizer amendments on soil autotrophic bacteria and carbon emissions in maize field on the semiarid loess plateau. frontiers in microbiology, 2021, 12, 664120.
23. chen, w., deng, x.-p., eneji, a.e., linlin wang, xu, y., cheng, y., 2014. dry-matter partitioning across parts of the wheat internode during the grain filling period as influenced by fertilizer and tillage treatments. communications in soil science and plant analysis 45, 1799-1812.
24. 王林林, 陈炜, 徐莹, 李红兵, 邓西平. 2013. 氮素营养对小麦干物质积累与转运的影响. 西北农业学报, 22(10), 85-89.
25. オ璐, 王林林, 罗珠珠*, 李玲玲,牛伊宁,蔡立群,谢军红. 2020. 中国首蓿产量及水分利用效率对种植年限响应的mea分析.草业学报, 2020, 29(6):27-38.
26. 杜杰,王林林,谢军红,彭正凯,李玲玲*. 2020. 耕作措施对黄土高原地区农田土壤碳排放影响的meta分析. 甘肃农业大学学报, 55(3):45-53.
27. 杜杰,王林林,谢军红,彭正凯,李玲玲*.2020. 基于meta分析的耕作措施对黄土高原地区小麦和玉米碳足迹影响研究,云南农业大学学报(自然科学), 35(05):906-918.
28. 才璐,王林林,罗珠珠*,李玲玲,牛伊宁,蔡立群,谢军红. 2021. 中国苜蓿施肥产量效应的meta分析. 干旱区地理,
29. 才璐,罗珠珠*,王林林,牛伊宁,李玲玲,蔡立群. 2021. 基于meta-analysis研究中国北方苜蓿土壤水分和养分效应. 中国草地学报, 2021,43(02):64-74.
30. 才璐,罗珠珠*,王林林,牛伊宁,李玲玲,蔡立群. 2021. 施肥对苜蓿土壤水分、养分和产量的影响:基于定位试验数据的meta分析. 草业科学, 2021,38(01):160-170.
31. 郭喜军,谢军红,李玲玲*,王嘉男,康彩睿,彭正凯,王进斌,setorkwami fudjoe,王林林. 2020. 氮肥用量及有机无机肥配比对陇中旱农区玉米光合特性及产量的影响, 植物营养与肥料学报, 26(5): 806–816.
32. 康彩睿, 谢军红, 李玲玲* ,王嘉男, 郭喜军, 彭正凯, 王进斌, setor kwami fudjoe, 王林林. 2020. 种植密度与施氮量对陇中旱农区玉米产量及光合特性的影响. 草业学报, 29(5):141-149.
33. 谢军红,王进斌,李玲玲*,周永杰,王林林,齐鹏. 2020. 培肥模式对旱作全膜双垄沟播玉米生长及土壤呼吸的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,38(1):79-85.
34. 陈晓丽, 李红兵, 王林林, 李孟洁, 李雨霖, 郭尚洙, 邓西平. 2015. 过表达ibor基因甘薯增强抗旱性的生理机制. 西北植物学报, 2015(03): 540-545.
35. 李孟洁, 李红兵, 王林林, 陈晓丽, 李雨霖, 邓西平. 2015. 水氮耦合对小麦旗叶光合特性及籽粒产量的影响. 西北农业学报, 24(6), 34-40.
36. 徐莹, 王林林, 陈炜, 李红兵, 邓西平. 2013. 施氮量对旱地小麦强势粒和弱势粒灌浆及产量的影响. 麦类作物学报, 33(3), 489-494.
1. 2020年第五届甘肃省高校青年教师教学竞赛甘肃农业大学校级二等奖
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